
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations

0 Dobre Catalina

Catalina-Codruta Dobre

Associated Member

Faculté d'Architecture La Cambre Horta

LoUIsE (Laboratory on Landscape, Urbanism, Infrastructures and Ecologies)

“My research strategy is rooted in the specificity of architecture, landscape architecture, urban planning and design (spatial disciplines) as transdisciplinary. I, first, rely on fundamental research (i.e. based on existing research and observations of phenomena) to investigate the evolution of co-production practices of water services (Global North and South) through a transition study perspective (PDR – FNRS). Second, my research includes experimental knowledge developed through the interaction with local stakeholders’ observations and use of space in action-research projects (Brusseau projects on stormwater management in Brussels). Last, I reflect upon the relation between the two types of knowledge on: (i) the role of co-production to increase democracy (Fairville project) and the role of researchers in transition processes (in relation to urban living labs).” 



Collaborators iiTSE