
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations


Jade de Cock de Rameyen

Member Associated

Faculté de Lettres, Traduction et Communication

Philixte (Centre de recherche. Études philologiques, littéraires et textuelles)

"Jade has completed a PhD on the role of narratives in the way we imagine current and future socio-ecological transformations. This thesis, which is interdisciplinary in nature (philosophy, literature, cinema, art history), and her on-going post-doctoral project, have led her to explore these issues in greater depth. Her current research will focus on the narrative construction of the societal relationship to the forest, and the way in which narratives can play a key role in negotiating the political stakes involved in forest management. Collaboration with actors as diverse as artists, owners, foresters, agricultural engineers and sociologists will therefore be at the heart of her research.” 


Collaborators iiTSE