Louise Knops
Member Associated
Faculté des Sciences
SONYA (Socio-environmental dynamics research group)
“Louise holds a PhD in political science from the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (2017-2021). She conducted her doctoral and post-doctoral research at the VUB, UCLouvain and ULB studying various aspects of the nexus between democracy and the environment; focusing on environmental social movements, the crisis of representative democracy, and ecological emotions. Since the 1st October 2024 she holds the ULB Chair of Environmental Humanities, within SONYA-IGEAT, where she teaches environmental sociology and political ecology, among others, and qualitative methods for interdisciplinary research. She has published in leading international journals such as Environmental Politics, South Atlantic Quarterly, Representation and Mobilization. Her forthcoming manuscript on political indignation will be published in the Mobilization Series of Routledge. She is also lecturer at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in political science, where she teaches political ecology.”