
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations


Sabrina Parent


Faculté de Lettres, Traduction et Communication

Philixte (Centre de recherche. Études philologiques, littéraires et textuelles)

“Part of my research and teaching has been devoted to the way in which the colonial past, whether Belgian or French, has been transcribed in contemporary literary texts or graphic novels. Recently, noting the distress that my students were feeling in the face of the climate crisis, I refocused my courses on this issue, which I felt was important to consider from a non-Western perspective, by approaching a body of work by African authors or authors of African origin. I'm convinced that socio-ecological transformations need to be accompanied by a change of mentality, a change in our representations. With this in mind, I am convinced that literature and the arts in general play a key role, one that is both reflexive and ethical in nature, meaning that they are capable of modifying or influencing our thoughts, decision-making and actions, both individually and collectively. In 2024, my colleague Jade de Cock and I obtained a grant from the FNRS for a research project (PDR) devoted to ‘Narratives and imaginaries of climate action’.” 
