The Axis of research of Socio-ecological transformation and Citizen-Consumer brings together researchers aiming to comprehend the individual's engagement in change, their perception of it, and their sense of agency.
The researchers in this field display a particular interest in the role of consumers. Their driving questions include the following:
How are emotions, social norms, and consumer behavior interconnected?
Within the realm of consumption dynamics, how can we define what is desirable, sought-after, and sustainable?
What motivates people to consume or cease consumption?
How are production standards, consumable goods, and their utilization interrelated, considering that these three dimensions distribute responsibility in varying ways?
These inquiries also pertain to the quest for understanding the phenomenon of greenwashing.
In addition to the emphasis on the individual consumer, this field also incorporates the contributions of modeling product life cycles. This includes accurate measurement of the life cycle of consumer goods and modeling the dynamics of individual practices.
Furthermore, this research area considers the individual consumer as the focal point within various systemic contexts in which they exist, such as their workplace, home, and leisure activities. Currently, the research aims to understand the dynamics and policies of organizations, as well as consumption practices within households.
Lastly, the theme encompasses a meta reflection on the underlying issues, particularly the necessity to define operational terms, standards, and their limitations. This is manifested through two questions:
What constitutes sustainable consumption?
What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Initial keywords: Consumer behaviour, affects and emotional norms, consumer (dis)commitments, tools for measuring rebound effects, sustainable consumption, preventing green washing, household practices, the (dis)benefits of sustainable consumption.
Disciplines liées
- Adolescent psychology
- Agricultural sciences
- Agriculture
- Animal nutrition
- Anthropology
- Applied psychology
- Bioenergetics
- Biology
- Biomedical and agricultural sciences
- Cartography
- Cognitive ergonomics
- Consumption. Savings. Production. Employment. Investment
- Contemporary history [from 1800 to 1914]
- Contemporary history [since 1914]
- Cultural and social anthropology
- Cultural history
- Demography
- Dynamics and development of societies
- Ecology
- Ecology [plant]
- Economic and commercial psychology
- Economic geography
- Economics
- Economics of developing countries
- Economics of the environment and natural resources
- Economy
- Educational and agricultural sciences
- Emotion and cognition
- Emotion stress and trauma
- Energy Economics
- Environment and pollution
- Environmental law
- Environmental technology and pollution control
- Evaluation [sociology]
- Forest management
- General agronomy
- General literature
- Geology and mineralogy
- Health psychology
- Historical geography
- History
- History of modern times
- Human geography
- Human geography and regional planning
- Humanities
- Hydrogeography
- Knowledge of materials
- Management
- Marketing and advertising
- Non-governmental international cooperation
- Organisational psychology
- Pedagogy
- Personnel psychology
- Physical and chemical oceanography
- Physiology of vascular plants
- Political geography and geopolitics
- Political history
- Psychology
- Public health
- Rural construction
- Social development
- Social geography
- Social history
- Social psychology
- Social sciences
- Social Systems
- Soil agronomy
- Technological progress
- Technology of other industries
- Town and country planning
- Transport analysis and management
- Tropical agronomy
- Urban geography
- Urban planning
- Urban sociology
- Waste treatment
- Work psychology