
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations


The 'Times of Crisis' research axis was born out of the desire of several researchers to explore a recurring concept in the media and political context of the years 2020-2022.

Initially, they wanted to work on the concept of sobriety, which was becoming increasingly important in the face of rising energy costs (gas and electricity) in winter 2022.

Starting with the observation that the transformations our societies are undergoing seem to be linked to a "state of crisis", the researchers observed that the term is omnipresent in people's minds: health crisis, climate crisis, ecological crisis, energy crisis.

As a first step, the researchers involved in the 'Times of Crisis' Axis want to revisit the very concept of crisis and discuss it by comparing its meanings in their respective disciplinary fields (history, law, economics and health). Based on the definition of this common language, they want to tackle the following questions:

  • How can we seize the opportunity presented by a crisis to make transformations sustainable, both in legal terms and in terms of individual and collective representations?

  • What factors explain why a crisis leads to change?

  • From a historical perspective, do all transformations require crises?

  • Are there transformations that take place without a crisis?

Initial key words: (in)voluntary sobriety, transitions and crises, knowledge and activism, individual and collective responsibility, public.

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