- Acoustics
- Adolescent psychology
- Aesthetics
- Agricultural sciences
- Agriculture
- Analytical chemistry
- Animal nutrition
- Anthropology
- Applied computing software
- Applied psychology
- Applied statistics
- Archaeology and excavation techniques
- Architecture and urban art
- Artificial intelligence
- Arts
- Astronomy
- Atmospheric phenomena
- Atomic and molecular physics
- Biochemistry
- Bioenergetics
- Biological oceanography
- Biology
- Biomedical and agricultural sciences
- Biomedical sciences
- Biophysics
- Biopsychology and psychopathology
- Biotechnology
- Bridges tunnels engineering structures
- Building design and construction processes
- Buildings civil engineering transport
- Cardiology and circulation
- Cartography
- Chemical engineering
- Chemistry
- Clinical genetics
- Cognitive ergonomics
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Cognitive psychology
- Colonial history
- Comparative agriculture
- Condensed state physics [electrical structure etc] [physics
- Condensed state physics [propr thermal struct etc]
- Condensed state physics [superconductor]
- Consumption. Savings. Production. Employment. Investment
- Contemporary history [from 1800 to 1914]
- Contemporary history [since 1914]
- Crystallography
- Cultural and social anthropology
- Cultural history
- Dams and water pipes
- Decision theory and collective choice
- Demography
- Design
- Development policy
- Developmental genetics
- Developmental neurology
- Diabetology
- Digital analysis
- Drawing and graphic arts
- Dynamics and development of societies
- Ecoclimatology
- Ecology
- Ecology [animal]
- Ecology [plant]
- Econometrics and statistical methods: theory and applications
- Econometrics and statistical methods: theory and applications
- Economic and commercial psychology
- Economic geography
- Economic history
- Economics
- Economics and public finance
- Economics of developing countries
- Economics of the environment and natural resources
- Educational and agricultural sciences
- Electoral and consultative systems
- Electromagnetism - signal analysis
- Emotion and cognition
- Emotion stress and trauma
- Endocrinology
- Energy Economics
- Engineering science education
- Engineering Sciences
- Environment and pollution
- Environmental law
- Environmental medicine
- Environmental technology and pollution control
- Epidemiology
- Epistemology
- Ethics
- European economics
- Evaluation [sociology]
- Evolution of species
- Financial management
- Forest management
- Forestry
- Foundations of cognitive science
- Functional brain imaging
- Genealogy and heraldry
- General agronomy
- General anatomy [human morphology]
- General applied mechanics
- General Botany
- General computing
- General economics
- General foundations of science and culture
- General literature
- General philosophy
- General political science
- Geology
- Geology and mineralogy
- Haematology
- Health psychology
- Historical geography
- History
- History and the arts
- History of agriculture
- History of modern times
- History of philosophy and morals
- History of technology
- History of the environment
- History of the Western Middle Ages
- Hospital science and management
- Human geography
- Human geography and regional planning
- Humanities
- Hydrobiology
- Hydrocarbon technology carbochemicals
- Hydrogeography
- Hygiene and occupational medicine
- International economics
- International finance
- International law
- International trade
- Knowledge of materials
- Labour and population economics
- Languages and literature
- Law
- Literature
- Management
- Marketing and advertising
- Mathematical computing
- Mathematics
- Mechanical engineering
- Medical computing
- Medical imaging. Radiology. Tomography
- Metabolism
- Metallurgy
- Microbiology and protistology (entomology, phytoparasitology)
- Modelling cognitive processes
- Molecular biology
- Molecular genetics
- Mutagenesis and gene technology
- Narratologie
- Natural science education
- Natural sciences
- Network optimisation
- Neurolinguistics
- Neurology
- Neurophysiology
- Neuropsychology
- Non-governmental international cooperation
- Oncology
- Optics
- Organisational psychology
- Paediatrics
- Palaeontology and palaeoecology
- Palaeontology and palaeoecology [botany]
- Pedagogy
- Pediatric neurology
- Pedology
- Personnel psychology
- Pharmacology
- Philosophy of science
- Physical and chemical oceanography
- Physics
- Physiology of vascular plants
- Physiopsychology and biological psychology [psychiatry]
- Plant breeding and improvement
- Political and social statistics
- Political economy
- Political geography and geopolitics
- Political history
- Political parties and pressure groups
- Political sociology
- Psychiatry
- Psycholinguistics
- Psychology
- Psychopathology
- Public health
- Public health
- Rhetoric
- Rural construction
- Rural economics
- Rural history
- Rural sociology
- Science politique
- Science teaching
- Sciences ancillary to history
- Scientific research methodology
- Social development
- Social geography
- Social history
- Social psychology
- Social sciences
- Social Systems
- Sociolinguistics
- Sociological analysis
- Sociology
- Sociology of development
- Sociology of health
- Sociology of religion
- Sociology of science
- Soil agronomy
- Soil bioremediation
- Soil-plant relationships
- Solid state physics
- Speech Therapy
- Study of Consciousness
- Surface and interface chemistry
- Surgery
- Tax law
- Technological progress
- Technology of other industries
- Theology
- Theoretical biology
- Theory of history
- Theory of literature
- Town and country planning
- Transition economics
- Transport analysis and management
- Transport economics
- Tropical agronomy
- Tropical biotechnology
- Tropical forestry
- Urban geography
- Urban planning
- Urban planning and architecture (sociological aspect)
- Urban planning and architecture [civil engineering]
- Urban sociology
- Urban tecnology
- Waste treatment
- Waste water treatment
- Water purification treatment
- Work psychology