
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations

Round table: L'Arche et la Tour

ULB - Campus du Solbosch - Salle Delvaux

— 18:00 - 20:00

UPJB presents its latest show, ‘l'Arche et la Tour’. The play, written by Edwin Zaccai (ULB and iiTSE) and François Ost (UCLouvain Saint-Louis Bruxelles) and directed by Ariane Buhbinder, is part philosophical tale, part ecological fable and part farce in the style of Father Ubu, and plunges us (literally) to the heart of the theme of ecology by drawing, in a very free way, on stories from the Bible and other mythological texts. Her aim is to tackle these serious issues in a way that is by turns critical, playful and poetic.

On the programme for this ULB performance:

  • Presentation of the play L'Arche et la Tour by its authors, François Ost and Edwin Zaccai, with the participation of the play's choir for sung extracts.

  • Round table discussion with Edwin Zaccaï (ULB), François Ost (UCLouvain, Saint-Louis), Charline Urbain (ULB and iiTSE), Sabrina Parent (ULB and iiTSE) and Gaspar Leclère (general and artistic director of Les Baladins du Miroir).

  • Debate with the audience.

  • Closing drink.

Further information and registration: here

Larche Et La Tour