
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations

Workshop on the implementation of the urban agenda in Europe

Auditorium City Hall in Amsterdam


UNICA has partnered with three other organizations committed to promoting societal development by addressing urban challenges – the City Science Initiative Network, Eurocities, and the Aurora Alliance – to organize the workshop “Methodologies for addressing urban challenges in Europe. How academia and cities can jointly create practical impact in cities?”.

The collaboration between academic institutions and cities holds tremendous untapped potential when it comes to addressing urban challenges. Universities often possess the expertise, research capabilities, and innovative thinking necessary to tackle complex issues like housing, sustainability, and public health. Cities, on the other hand, offer real-world laboratories where these academic insights can be tested and applied.

This workshop aims to explore the underlying reasons behind these blind spots and investigate how we can better align the goals of academic institutions with the practical needs of cities. By identifying these obstacles and fostering stronger partnerships, we can unlock the full joint potential of universities and cites to address pressing urban challenges.

More informations and registration: here
