
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations

The social impact of the overshooting of the planetary boundaries. A first screening for Belgium


— 11:00 - 12:30

Having carried out the exercise of adapting the planetary limits framework to Belgium, CEESE (ULB) and Ramboll have supported Cerac on the question of the social impacts of exceeding planetary limits: what are the impacts on health? on employment? on access to essential services?  But also what will be the social impact of transition measures in these different sectors? This webinar will provide some answers to these questions.

Two renowned speakers will be joining the Cerac for the webinar: Marek Hudon (CEESE and iiTSE) will make the link with just transition issues and Simon De Muynck will address the links with environmental inequalities in Brussels.

More informations and registration : here

Planetary Boundaries Report