
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations

Cosmopolis Lunch Seminar

Usquare - room A.0.03

— 12:00 - 14:00

In response to the decline of European rural areas, governments, and scholars gradually highlight the relevance of migration for rural regeneration and sustainability. However, rural areas’ limited receptivity capacity may hinder a migrant-led revival. While research recognises the local level's role in receptivity, current approaches studying the link between migrant receptivity and revival are limited. This project explores, first, the potential synergy between receptivity and regeneration in rural contexts. Second, it uncovers rural areas’ roles in multi-level migration governance. It addresses the influence of rural communities’ structural inequalities and migrants’ agency in receptivity and revival. Finally, it offers a typology of rural revival.

A presentation by Iris Egea, PhD FWO Fellow Researcher at VUB.

Further information: here

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