
interfaculty institute for
socio-ecological transformations

Approaches to innovation: Teaching to prepare for the ecological and social transition

rue Royale 180, 1000 Brussels (5th floor) or on the ARES YouTube channel

— 12:00 - 14:00

The calls for an ecological and social transition or the fight against climate change conceal a diversity of approaches and beliefs about the best way to achieve this. From the industrial revolution to the present day, confidence in technological progress as the driving force behind crisis resolution has underpinned so-called technocentric approaches in which technological innovation is seen as the main lever for resolving environmental ‘crises’. However, these approaches are coming in for increasing criticism, not just in terms of environmental effectiveness or the rebound effect, but more fundamentally for their reductionist vision of the issues, their non-transformative scope and their impact in terms of social justice. What is certain is that we will have to find new ways of doing things, innovate (or ex-innovate) to transform our lifestyles and support change.

This ARES lunchtime session will feature three presentations by :

  • Jean-Pierre Raskin (UCL and CEA-Leti)

  • Olivier Gilson (Saint-Luc, RDIS) and/or Pierre Echard (Saint-Luc, RDIS)

  • Solène Sureau (ULB, CEESE and iiTSE)

Moderated by Nathalie Pipart, Sustainable Development Project Manager at ARES.

Further information and registration: here

Midi De Lares